Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013

To Jesse

Dear Jesse,

happy birthday!

There's nothing I could wish for you - you've got it all. A wonderful loving mum, a dad who couldn't miss you more, a little brother or sister who is with you now at the best place to be, enwrapped in God's infinite love.

Even though I know you're well and happy as can be it's still very sad not to have you here. I don't think we would have met (since I've never even met your parents) but it would have given such joy to your parents if you could have stayed. It must be heartbreaking to be a parent but not to get the chance to act as one. I don't want to elaborate on the details - sketching a pain which isn't mine probably won't do any good to anyone.

I'm writing this short letter because it tears me apart to see your parents suffer, because I know there are many more like them and because I think it's about time to acknowledge you and all those millions of children who were never born.

I hope and pray that - one way or another - one day you and Sam will have another little brother or sister who will stay with your parents.

They won't forget you. No matter what: you are loved.


1 Kommentar:

  1. Thank you so much - at first I wondered if it's very inappropriate to write this so now I am quite relieved to know that it's ok. :) Lots of love to you and Husby. Your blog is very dear to me; not only because it gives me the chance to hear from you (what a pity the old xt3 is dead) but because what you write about often hits me in places I would have never known existed if it wasn't for you. xxx
